I made a steak recently and the sight of it stirred my loins. It was pretty much textbook - charred brown exterior and a warm, pink center. I had to get a picture of it and all I had was the camera on my phone.

This is how it looked after plating.

The secret to scrambled eggs is to cook them in a saucepan over low heat, gently beating them as you go, and removing them from heat ever so often. There is a video on Youtube of Gordon Ramsay making these (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1SM73Qi1BQ) for breakfast. I typically add a little cream but otherwise do it the same way he does. The result is scrambled eggs just the way I like them: just a little runny, soft to the bite and meltingly delicious.
[Insert sound of smacking chops here]
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